


Kiwi Tre Castelli - Padella 3 kg - 30 cm x 40 cm

The packaging we use complies with local regulations regarding traceability and contact with foodstuffs.

The main Tre Castelli branded packaging types are listed in the pictures below:

  • Tray 3 kg – 30 cm x 40 cm
  • Box 6 kg – 30 x 40 cm
  • Box with closed bag – 10 kg 30 cm x 40 cm

Other packaging types not shown in the photos are available; for more details and suggestions you are welcome to contact us.

Kiwi Tre Castelli - Cassetta con sacchetto chiuso - 10 kg 30 cm x 40 cm

Kiwi Tre Castelli - Cassetta 6 kg - 30 x 40 cm



BIOS certified kiwi

The Righetti Roberto Farm does not use any chemical product not allowed by the organic production protocol governing production and unnatural growth of fruit.

For over ten years, no herbicides have been used in weed control; in fact weeding the rows is done mechanically.

We have moved to organic production because consumers are increasingly choosing to put healthy, natural products on their tables, giving priority to these features over product appearance.

Kiwi hayward

Kiwi haywardOur land is planted with Hayward kiwi, a large-fruited variety producing an abundant harvest and wonderful flavour.

In order to produce a good harvest we plant one male for every 5 female plants.

Another very important aspect for enhancing pollination is to nurture the male plants in the same way as the females, avoiding an over-foliage position that is out of joint: by managing the male plant in this way, pruning becomes simpler.

To improve the physical and chemical characteristics of our land we use cow manure, making sure that it is fully seasoned.

It is our practice to carry out a chemical analysis of our soil every two or three years, which enables us to choose the correct fertilizers.

National and International

For several years we have been operating on the national market and in recent years also internationally.

The progressive growth of our kiwi production and our experience and knowledge of the industry has motivated a strategy that is always in search of new markets seeking organic produce.

We export to France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Brazil and Argentina.

Export kiwi to France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Brazil and Argentina

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