


The Righetti farm is GLOBALG.A.P. (EurepGAP) certified and the organic production is BIOS certified (Consortium for the control of organic products).

Certificazioni BIOS & GLOBALG.A.P.

Tradition, passion and respect for nature

Over three generations our family has chosen to say YES to nature and cultivate the land with passion and dedication, committing ourselves to making it ever more fertile and alive.

A commitment that season after season grants us a quality kiwi fruit.

The Righetti farm has 12 hectares of land, all growing kiwi, one area of which is cultivated using the certified organic production method (CEE2092/91) and another area using the traditional method.

The company has warehouses equipped with state-of-the-art refrigeration and packaging systems that enable a continuous chain from production and storage to various types of packaging depending on customer requirements.

Using organic production we can transform our respect and protection of nature, which are the core values ​​of our company, into a working reality.

We accomplish this by using only natural fertilizers on our land.

Our goal is to naturally cultivate a healthy fruit and then distribute it to consumers with the certainty of providing an excellent, natural product.

“The kiwi that we put on your table are the same ones that our children eat”



Kiwal expertise dates back to the early ’90s, when a group of entrepreneurs invested in growing kiwi in Macedo, which until then had only seen the cultivation of apples and peaches.

In 2012 Kiwi Tre Castelli becomes part of Kiwal de Macedo, immediately contributing the experience it had gained through years of kiwi cultivation in Italy. At this point the plant and production facilities were modernised, with the construction of a modern fruit-processing warehouse.

This was equipped with modern cold storage units to refrigerate and conserve the kiwi, with a cutting-edge weighing and packaging plant, guaranteeing the highest quality standards in the product selection process.

Our Argentinian kiwi

The result of our commitment is a kiwi fruit whose organoleptic qualities are without equal: its emerald green colour and unmistakable sweetness make this fruit unique.

This is thanks not only to the terrain and climate enjoyed by Macedo, but also to the dedication and meticulous care given to the entire production process, which we personally supervise at every stage.

From winter pruning, pollination and fertilization until the harvest, our staff and specialists dedicate the utmost professionalism to the plant’s development and growth of the fruit.

Our plantations

Located in the heart of the Argentinian pampas, the Kiwal de Macedo is immersed in a totally natural environment, where human presence has left the balance of nature unaltered.

In our plantations, in fact, our respect for nature is fundamental to our operation. All necessary work processes are carefully carried out to preserve the micro-climate and the ecosystem that we enjoy.

With this mentality we can offer an absolutely natural and genuine kiwi, which also in this area has no equal.

Where we are

Macedo is located 400 km south of Buenos Aires, and 100 km north of Mar del Plata, just a few kilometres from the Atlantic coast.

Thanks to its geographical position, Macedo enjoys a healthy climate that is particularly suitable for the cultivation of kiwi: the virtually ever-present breeze and year-round mild temperatures inhibit the formation of mold and mildew, meaning there is no need for us to use any chemical treatments.

The soil, rich in organic material with a well balanced composition, has little need of fertigation and fertilization treatments. The water, already present at a depth of 8 meters, is blessed with an optimum pH value and saline balance. All these elements make Macedo the ideal place for cultivating a natural, healthy kiwi.



After generations in the agricultural sector and the fresh fruit and vegetable business, today the
Righetti family positions itself as an intermediary between producers and consumers, ensuring authenticity and genuine wholesomeness of the fruit produced and marketed.

Our priority in fact is the cultivation of kiwi in the most natural way possible, adopting environmentally sustainable and friendly farming methods, leaving aside the chemical solutions now so widely used in the agricultural sector.

Our goal is to cultivate a healthy fruit, characterized by superior organoleptic qualities, and then distribute it to consumers with the certainty of providing an excellent, natural product.

This careful choice of quality also carries over into the selection of the fruit that comes from our neighbouring farms, which are also committed to meeting our production requirements in order to ensure a superior product.

Our Italian kiwi

Our Italian kiwi are produced in areas chosen for their suitability, using agricultural techniques that enable our production to increase continuously.

Our plants take between 3 and 8 years to yield fruit and need the mild, temperate climate that prevails on our land near Lake Garda in Verona.

Our plants are pruned regularly and have special supports to handle the large sizes that they can reach.

Our plantations

We grow our kiwi in the province of Verona where the ideal micro-climate suits the plant, especially around Lake Garda, where the temperatures are mild all year round.

The plant needs plenty of water for healthy growth and constant attention with pruning, pollination, fertilization, protection and harvest. Our expert staff implement all these phases in harmony with the environment and traditional cultivation methods.

To give just one example, pollination on our land occurs in a completely natural way.

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